Thursday, 28 February 2008

Tango leaders are like donkeys stuck up a minaret. If they can't see a way out of it there is no moving them.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sorry, made mistake with last comment, I love you blog, leaders sometimes are alot like donkeys. I'd like to put a link to this blog on my own small blog. Could you put a link to my blog on your blog? Would be nice to have a whole community of tango bloggers!

koolricky said...

Hi Masked tanguero!
Between Sarah, Toby, Jenny and Ricardo you are in really good hands! Best luck for the future!

Anonymous said...


Due to my student budget I cannot afford to go to Jenny and Ricardo's workshops yet, I would probably sell a organ in order to go to them! But I was saving one of my kidneys to be able to afford to go to Edinburgh tango festivals...

How do you know Sarah? I haven't mentioned her by name yet! She's lovely isnt she? With her you learn things like connection and technique not only steps. I'm in awe of her and people like Vera, Roberta etc (list could go on, so many nice dancers in aberdeen!), who dance so wonderfully. Who is this Toby you talk of tho?!